
Our mission is to promote, enable and facilitate inclusive activities, which embrace and address the education, training, employment, welfare, health, social, cultural and recreational needs of the local community and district.

Management Committee

Alex Schweitzer-Thompson - Chair

Elaine Aitken - Vice-Chair

Sarah MacDonald - Secretary

Carol Graham - Treasurer

Eric Barry

Jason Cormack

Rebecca Jack
Kenny Laing

Caroline Lyon

Alexei Matveyev

Heather Sherman

John Wilson

Mission, Vision & Aims


Our mission is to provide an attractive, accessible building to facilitate a wide range of activity that will educate, entertain, inform and activate a broad range of people


Our vision places Pentland Community Centre at the heart of the community, providing a popular, accommodating space whose versatility ensures a well-equipped and welcoming space for people of all backgrounds and ages. It is an attractive and sustainable space that is safe, secure and accessible, being supported and well-used by local people.


Charity information

The Pentland Community Education Centre (SCIO), SC049029, is a charity registered with OSCR
The Pentland Community Education Centre (SCIO), SC049029